We can all agree; SpaceX has had arguably their busiest year yet. Between two Crewed Human missions (Demo-2 & Crew-1), Increased customer partnerships, most recently with NASA & Sentinel- 6A (the first west coast launch this year), and now The 16th Orbital launch of StarLink. Beyond the planned deployment of an additional 60 StarLink satellites into Low Earth Orbit, this isn't just a regular Starlink mission. This will be the first 7th orbital re-flight of a Falcon 9 First stage booster.

This flight is set to make booster B.1049.7 the leader amongst the Falcon 9 fleet. This booster has launched, Telstar 18v/ APstar-5C, Iridium Next, and four other Starlink missions. Tonight, marking it's 5th time sending Starlink satellites into orbit.
After scrubbing on 11/22/20 for extra system checks and delaying on 11/23/20 due to recovery zone weather, Starlink is now set to launch tonight, Tuesday, November 24th at 9:13 pm EDT. Weather on the Range is currently 80% GO with down-shore recovery weather conditions appearing moderate at T-0. LIVE updates on tonight's mission will be on our Twitter & the HoverSlamSpace.com Launch Section.
As always, stay tuned to HoverSlamSpace.com and our social media pages for the latest updates on all your space flight news. For more Spaceflight news, content, and discussion, stay tuned right here to https://hoverslamspace.com/, and all of our social media pages!